'I think that for the United States, Hillary Clinton, as awful as I find her, is a survivable event. I’m not so sure about Donald Trump.'
- Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal foreign-affairs columnist and the deputy editorial page editor

Does this mean you are no longer anti-Trump?
I notice that Ace is no longer that way.
Love this:
"If we lose 2016, I have no dog in the 2020 fight, except payback".

I am not a Trump fan. Unfortunately, I'll probably vote for him because Hillary is a total fucking disaster. We KNOW what she is like and how incompetent she is because she has proven it time after time. We don't know how Trump would act in office. It could go either way...IN A BIG WAY. I still haven't completely ruled out going on vacation.
The point of my tweets to Bret Stephens and Rick Wilson wasn't to pump Trump. In fact, I start out by saying that I am not a fan of #OrangeClown. Instead, my point is that these guys - and those like them - are bloody delusional if they believe that throwing the election to HRC will somehow put them back in the GOP's driver's seat. They NEED the 'non-Est' voters. They cannot ever again win without them. AND, you burn bridges permanently when you sneer at the 'ignorant rubes who hate experts'. First of all, the 'experts' haven't had a very good track record over the last 25 years or so. Thus, there is a reason not to blindly follow the 'experts' - and the 'experts' are too full of themselves to either admit their failures or understand why the public has lost faith in them. Secondly, what have the Establishment and 'experts' done for the 'ignorant rubes' lately? Bailed out Wall Street. Outsourced their jobs. Imported cheap labour and encouraged open borders. Tried to 'spread democracy to the four corners of the world' even in those areas where religion and culture are fundamentally opposed to democracy. Imported hordes of people that have religious beliefs and cultural traditions that are incompatible with Western pluralistic, liberal, democratic societies. I can go on and on, but sadly the Republican Establishment and intelligentsia haven't even begun to self-examine.
So, basically, I was telling those boors that they'd better start listening rather than dictating if they ever want to regain the support of the people that they have scorned, demeaned, belittled, and ignored.
To the elites:
ReplyDelete1. The people are stupid.
2. The people are almost always wrong.
3. They act emotionally.
4. They vote against their own economic interests.
5. They don't know what is best for them, which is why government/elites should make decisions for them.
6. They don't take seriously those things that the elites opine MUST. BE. ACTED. UPON. IMMEDIATELY. OR. ABSOLUTE. CATASTROPHE. WILL. OCCUR.
7. They should defer to their betters on all matters...for their own benefit, health, safety, and security.
8. We, the elites, are never wrong.
9. When our projections or programmes do not turn out as we foretold, it is the result of Black Swans, people not behaving as expected, or natural disasters.
10. When our projects fail, what is needed is more of our ideas, especially if they include more government, more regulation, more mandates, and higher taxes.
11. And, finally, why should we, the elite, listen to the unwashed masses and try to understand their legitimate concerns when we can have our own positions and opinions validated and reinforced by those of our kind, who are smarter than everyone else?
What cannot continue will not and, when it happens, I wouldn't want to be one of the self-satisfied elite. After all, the 'elite' wouldn't be the 'elite' if they were as numerous as the so-called 'unwashed masses'.