Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Libertarian Presidential Nominee, Gary Johnson: 'Religious Liberty Is Like A Black Hole'...Or Something

Via The Washington ExaminerGary Johnson: 'Religious freedom, as a category' is 'a black hole'

'Cuz, like, um, ya know, Catholic priests should be FORCED to perform gay weddings...

...and Muslim eateries should be FORCED to serve pork...

...and Baptist doctors should be FORCED to perform abortions...

...and Jewish wine stores should be FORCED to sell grape products made by non-Jews...

...and Hindu vegetarian restaurants should be FORCED to serve meat...

...and Atheist-owned bookstores should be FORCED to sell the Bible alongside Richard Dawkins...or something


Riddle me this: If 'religious liberty' is a 'black hole' (Attn, @DonLemon and @JohnWileyPrice!) & should be secondary, doesn't that REQUIRE government FORCE of some kind to insure compliance? And, how do you, as a Libertarian, square that?

As a libertarian, I want LESS government & MORE liberty. Maybe, you're just into libertarianism for the pot & legal hookers.

And, of course, the 'famewhore and forttuneoken' that goes with being a quadrennial also-ran.

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