Monday, October 17, 2016

#Millenials: #TheDumbestGeneration

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The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has released a survey which shows attitudes toward communism and socialism vary significantly between younger and older generations of Americans. Millennials are far more likely to be supportive of socialism and communism than their parents or grandparents. From The Daily Signal

80 percent of baby boomers and 91 percent of elderly Americans believe that communism was and still is a problem in the world today, while just 55 percent of millennials say the same. Just 37 percent of millennials had a “very unfavorable” view of communism, compared to 57 percent of Americans overall. Close to half (45 percent) of Americans aged 16 to 20 said they would vote for a socialist, and 21 percent would vote for a communist. 

The survey results suggest the views of the younger generation are based on historical ignorance. About a third (32 percent) of millennials believe more people died under George W. Bush than under Stalin. Millennials were also unfamiliar with major communist figures like Mao Zedong (42% were unfamiliar with him) and Che Guevara (40% were unfamilar with him). The results were slightly better with Vladmir Lenin (33% were unfamiliar with him), however 25% of those who were familiar with Lenin had a favorable opinion of him. 

Heritage Foundation fellow Lee Edwards tells The Daily Signal: 

“It is the solemn obligation of this generation to educate the rising generation about the manifold victims and crimes of the deadliest ism of the last 100 years—communism.”

The USA Is No Longer A Republic. It's Not A Democracy Either. It's A #Kakistocracy!


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Ten Years Later, America Is Not Alone. It Has Abdicated.

This week marks the tenth anniversary of the publication of Mark Steyn's seminal book, America Alone. In one of his posts marking the event, he reprints part of a review of the book by Michael Gove. 

This passage encapsulates the folly of 'acceptable' Western thought:

Steyn's specific contention is that the problem is not so much multiculturalism as biculturalism. The danger as he sees it is the inherent tension between an increasingly liberal and hedonistic, yet diffident and uncertain, de-Christianised civilisation and an increasingly religiously zealous and culturally assertive Islamist movement. As Steyn puts it, provocatively contrasting European fears about Iraq's future with his concerns about Europe's own stability:
'You think Kurds and Arabs, Sunni and Shia are incompatible? What do you call a jurisdiction split between post-Christian secular gay potheads and anti-whoring, anti-sodomite, anti-everything-you-dig Islamists? If Kurdistan's an awkward fit in Iraq, how well does Pornostan fit in the Islamic Republic of Holland?'

Rereading this review reminded me of many of the arguments that I have had with Multi-Kultists about their perverse moral relativism coupled with an utterly suicidal and existentially dangerous naïveté.

The Left sort of said that Charlie Hebdo deserved what it got because it mocked and failed to show the requisite amount of reference for Islam and the prophet Mohammed. They argued for appeasement for the sake of tolerance and diversity. The incredibly stupid assumption made by Islamophiles was that 'If we don't offend The Religion of Peace will not kill us just to prove it!' 

Riddle me this: If Islamists were willing to kill the staff of Charlie Hebdo for the 'sins of blasphemy and insulting the Prophet Mohammed', what makes anyone think that they will stop with their 'You're a racist, bigoted Islamophobe!' intimidation at fairly innoculous cartoons? Does anyone believe that Islamists willing to assassinate cartoonists will become satisfied and join the productive, civilised society? If you think Islamists are willing to kill over a few cartoons, just think what they'll do on issues like gay rights, women's rights, child marriage, female genital mutilation, Western ideals, and uncovered women?

Did the appeasement of Nazi Germany in the Munich Agreement wherein the nation of Czechoslovakia were sacrificed on the Altar of Appeasement prevent the Anschluss or the invasion of Poland?


I have warned Secularists for many, many years that they will never succeed in eradicating religion. Much of the West has decided that it doesn't need Judeo-Christian values...even though its culture, tradition, civil society, governmental structures and laws are based on them. Many believed that they could 'move on' and everyone else would follow. What has happened instead is that the Secularists have picked up their toys and gone to the nearest gay-pot club...ceding the cultural battlefield to the least-common denominators, who also just happen to be the most regressive and intense.
In a sense what is happening in the West today is a repeat of the Utopians' crusade - pun intended - to outlaw war. They were serious! I mean, they even passed an international law to prove how serious and committed they were to 'outlawing war'. Long live the Kellogg–Briand Pact of 1928! Wait, wut?
In the 20th century, Lenin famously opined: 'You might not be interested in war, but war is interested in you!'
Obama and other Progressives might declare that 'the era of war is over', but the only way to unilaterally end a war is to, um, SURRENDER.

As an aside, this is precisely this kind of arrogant worldview - 'We declare that the era of war is over' - that results in more American 'kinetic military actions' in more countries under Obama than even under the 'warmonger', George W Bush.
Thus, we come to the 21st century where Lenin's statement not only continues to be absolutely true, but an additional element has been added:
'You may not be interested in Islam, but Islam is most certainly interested in you! And, the Religion of Peace will kill you to prove it.'
I may be an atheist, but I am not anti Judeo-Christianity. In fact, I recognise that Western civilisation cannot exist without it. Those that believe otherwise haven't created a 'Secular Society based on Humanism'. Nope, they've created a vacuum...and, while nature may not be compatible with a 7th century death cult's ideology, it nevertheless finds the abyss being filled by those most hostile to it.
The great fraud of multiculturalism and its adherents is the idea that all cultures are equal. That's utter bullshit. In the history of civilisation, cultures have in fact died out, never to be heard of again. Call it societal Darwinism. Strong horse civilisations - even the most retrograde - survive. Weak horse civilisations may think they are 'fit', but if they are unwilling to fight, they will not survive. The survival of the fittest isn't limited to the love children of Albert Einstein and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nope, the fittest are those that decide they wish to survive and are willing to do anything to ensure that goal. Because the West, evidently, hates itself so much that it refuses to defend and fight for its very survival, it will be crushed by those that believe they are superior and have a destiny to rule the world.

'When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse. When people of the world look upon the confusion and atheism of the West, they see that Islam is the strong horse.' 

- Osama bin Laden

If Multi-Kultists really believed that all cultures are inherently equal, they would be making a beeline for Afghanistan or Somalia. Instead, Afghans and Somalis are rushing to the West. It's kind of like what the Left always says every 4 years: 'If so-and-so Republican is elected, I'm moving to Canada!' Notice they never say: 'If that Republican is elected, I'm moving to Mexico or Sudan or Pakistan!'
The West is everything that is wrong with the world!!!11!! Yet, migratory patterns prove that millions are moving towards the Worstest Worst Western World while the self-hating Westerners are staying put...while bitching about their Uber driver not arriving like yesterday and Netflix isn't streaming as quickly as it should.
Whilst the West entertains itself with bread, circuses, virtue-signalling, bitching-n-moaning and all-around navel grazing, members of a misogynistic, racist, homophobic, bigoted, child-abusing, xenophobic, tribalistic, antisemitic, Christophobic, maniacal, nihilistic, thin-skinned, homicidal, suicidal, totalitarian, 7th century death cult are on the move...into the houses next door...and making the moves on their brainwashed daughters.
For decades, the West couldn't be bothered to have the children necessary to pay for the welfare state to which it had come to believe it was entitled. So, these demographically failing lands decided to import their 'children' from the Third World. Yes, these brown, black, and yellow bodies (many completely illiterate) were going to eagerly join the workforce so as to pay for the retirements and healthcare of aging, white bodies - or so the argument went. Imagine the 'parents'' surprise when their 'children' decided that they, too, were entitled to lavish welfare benefits and just skipped over the decades of paying into the programmes!
Moreover, these 'children' had exponentially more 'children', who failed to assimilate and considered themselves to be Muslims first, Whatever-Nation-State second or third or fiftieth. They may have been born in, say, Germany, but they had more in common - politically, culturally, and spiritually - with a goatfucker in Warziristan. Nevertheless, they weren't going to say 'Auf Wiedersehen!' and take out a mortgage on a cave in some Third World shithole. Nope. They just decided to bring Warziristan to Weimar, which really wasn't a bit of a bad bet.
The Kabobistans will fight for Islamic supremacy in the West. The depressing question is whether the West even retains the will to fight back.
At this point - and if I were a betting woman and standing before the betting window - I'd have to put my money on The Strong a mile. In fact, I might even bet that The Weak Horse would collapse and die on its gentle stroll from the paddock to the gate.


I was reminded, too, about the sheer ridiculousness and lunacy of the Madrid Pride Parade banning Israeli LGBT groups...because of the 'oppressed, dispossessed, occupied, and all-around benighted Palestinians':

Israeli Coalition Banned From Madrid Gay Pride Parade

How suicidal is their Pallie apologia and hatred of Israel?

Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Same-Sex Marriage is LEGAL. 

Whilst LGBT rights in the Palestinian territories are often spoken of in the geopolitical and cultural context of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It remains one of the most taboo human rights issues in the region. Homosexuality is illegal in the Gaza Strip but not in the West Bank, although LGBT rights are not protected in either.

Irony of ironies: The Madrid Pride Parade hates Israel and loves the Palestinian Territories where..

BBC: Palestinian gays flee to Israel

Persecution of Homosexuals (Palestinian Authority area)

Haaretz: Gay Palestinian seeks residency in Israel on humanitarian grounds

Washington Blade: West Bank, Gaza no haven for LGBT Palestinians

You really have to have an insane and delusional hatred of Israel, where your rights as a member of the LGBT are some of the most progressive afforded in the entire wold, to become advocates, lying propagandists, and moral relativists for the Palestinian Territories, who may very well persecute, prosecute, imprison you or worse just for being a LGBTer.