Monday, July 18, 2016

No, 'Open Carry' Is Not To Blame For #BatonRouge. Yes, The Police Could Have Stopped Long Before The Shooting

Gavin Eugene Long (YouTube screen grab)

A man, who has planned to ambush and assassinate police officers, is not going to be deterred by laws. It didn't matter whether there was an open carry law or not, but I want to address this point made by Charles C.W. Cooke at National Review:

'2) Because this was legal, it would have been difficult for the police to stop him before he committed his crime.'

Actually, it would not have been difficult for police to stop him at all.  According to reports about the 911 call, Long was not only brandishing a weapon, he was wearing a mask.

While LA is an 'open-carry state', it does prohibit the wearing of masks in public (with an obvious exception for Mardi Gras activities). This law was originally passed because of the Ku Klux Klan.

If anyone should claim that the police had no right to make contact with Long because he was 'just exercising his Second Amendment and state rights', well, the mask law clearly gave law enforcement the right to stop and question him, at the very least. Punishment for violating LA Rev Stat § 14:313 ranges from 6 months to 3 years, which means that it can be a felony.

So, any police officer could have made a stop and arrest if one had espied him prior to the shooting.  No officer had that 'opportunity'...not that it would have likely prevented Baton Rouge. He most certainly would have shot the investigating officer.  After all, that was his entire mission.

Related Reading:

A Few Thoughts On The Attempted Coup In Turkey...


As low-flying F-16s flew over Ankara and Istanbul as part of an attempted coup, Western leaders rushed to support 'democratically-elected' President Erdoğan, I could not help but feel a profound sense of dread.

Erdoğan may have been 'democratically-elected', but he and his supporters have a different view of democracy than most small 'd' democrats.

'Democracy is like a train. We will ride it to our destination and then get off.'

- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

This is exactly the same position on democracy that the Muslim Brotherhood took in Egypt. After swearing that they would never stand for election following the overthrow of Mubarak (partly because they believe that democracy is antithetical to Islam and Shariah law, which unequivocally holds that 'God's law' is always supreme to 'Man's law' and the latter must always bend to the former), they did - and won. Almost immediately, they started to slow down the democracy by adopting an Islamic-based constitution. Before being deposed in a military coup, they had begun to openly proclaim that there might be no need for future elections. 

They believed that the 'democracy train' was rapidly approaching their 'destination': Total power to impose an Islamic version of government on 80 million Egyptians - an estimated 15% (low figure) of whom are not Muslims (they include Coptic Christians, Orthodox Christians, etc). In Egypt, it took 50% or more of the entire population to take to the streets and demand the ouster of Morsi & Co. before the military acted. 

Al-Sisi didn't act until he knew that he had the support of the people, who, IIRC, had also effectively 'secured' Morsi and his coterie by surrounding the buildings where they were located with hundreds of thousands of bodies. One cannot win a coup if the leadership is still free to 'rally the troops'.  Al-Sisi also had the approval of the military, not just a faction. All of these differentiate the success of the coup in Egypt from failure of the almost-cartoonish attempt in Turkey.

In the vein of the previous Turkish coups, the Egyptian military did not intend to rule indefinitely and scheduled elections. General al-Sisi was eventually elected president. He hasn't ruled in an autocratic manner similar to Erdoğan and, indeed, has called for a reformation of Islam.

I fear that the people of Turkey may rue the day that they joined Erdoğan's Islamist supporters and  laid down their bodies to protect 'The Sultan' from the coup.  Undoubtedly, many of the secular Turks  that joined forces with Erdoğan remember the previous coups and want 'democracy', but they desire a secular democracy. Their view of Turkey is fundamentally different from that of AKP.  

In saving Erdoğan, who envisions a Sunni Islamic Turkey that makes Saudi Arabia look like, to use the description of Obama, 'the J-V Team' whilst becoming the region's dominating power and checking his mortal enemy, the Shia theocracy in Iran, I hope that they have not decided to surrender to him before his 'democracy train' arrives at its destination.

As for the endorsements of Western leaders, I believe that it signaled how weak the West has become and to the degree, as a result of their own policies (See Merkel, Angela and her unilateral decision to throw out the welcome mat to the Muslim world. Sadly, a frau, who several years ago proclaimed that Multi-Kulti was a failure, believed that establishing a Willkommenskultur ('Welcome Culture') would be a success), they have so imperiled the position of their own countries that they are, in effect, at the mercy of an autocratic Islamist like Erdoğan. If they need Turkey to help stem the flow of migrants, they have to support a tyrant. If they need Turkey to help fight ISIS, which Erdoğan has in many ways supported, they have to support 'The Sultan'.  
Both of these examples demonstrate how pathetically weak the West is because of its own willful blindness, moral relativism, farcical idealism, and virtue signaling.  They have endangered their people.

BTW, if you paid close attention, you could tell that it was primarily Erdoğan's supporters in the streets. I counted the number of women in the crowds that I saw in the many hours of coverage on one hand...and still had a finger left over.


In response to my point about the lack of women in the protests on Friday night (Saturday morning in Turkey), Victoria Vista wrote:

You don't mean these women, do you???

My reply:

I wrote about the coverage that I saw, which was primarily from the BBC and Sky News. As for your link, I notice that many of the photographs depict some women in the streets in daylight - after the coup had been defeated. It is undeniable that the overwhelming majority of those that took to the streets early Saturday morning were men. In fact, there is reportage of women inside the building in Istanbul begging the men in the streets and Taksim Square not to kill the surrendering soldiers.

As for the small minority of women protesting, I wonder how they feel about Erdoğan and his position on birth control, which he seeks to ban because it is un-Islamic and the work of 'Western devils'.

America2028 replied:

Spot on. I have a few friends in Turkey, all of whom were hoping that the coup would succeed. Granted, they studied in Britain and are more westernized than most Turks, so you wouldn't see people like them brawling in the streets. But there are plenty of others just like them.

Related Reading: Did Obama get Erdogan wrong?

Friday, July 15, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Liberals' Major Role In The Drug War, Sentencing Disparities, And Black Incarceration

'In one of the nastily cynical moments, Obama claimed that “to honor these five outstanding officers who we lost” we would have to act on “uncomfortable” truths such as his claim that the police are racist. “Insisting we do better to root out racial bias is not an attack on cops, but an effort to live up to our highest ideals,” he spun. While the media applauded his “healing”, Obama was just recycling his speeches from before the Dallas shooting. The talking points had not changed. They had only been moved around a little to exploit the police officers murdered by a #BlackLivesMatter supporter in order to promote #BlackLivesMatter.'

- Commentary of President Barack Obama's speech at the memorial for 5 assassinated Dallas police officers, 12 July 2016

I, for one, am so sick and tired of Democrats blaming 'White America' for everything that is wrong in the ‘Black Community’ (as though #BlackLivesMatter represents the entire black population and White Supremacist, Dylann Roof, represents the white community).  Not only is this absolutely wrong, but they are flat-out lying about actual facts and history.

I’m fed up with our outrageously dishonest President and his even more preposterously prevaricating propagandists and revisionist historians in the Democratic Party, the media, academia, and on the Left, in general.

You see, it is one thing to be blamed for something that you did; it is quite another – not to mention inflammatory, infuriating bridge-burning – to be blamed for something for which you had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with whilst those on the Left, who most demonstratively did, rewrite history and take Stalin’s Eraser to their own roles in bringing about those things for which I and other white people now stand accused.

Things really aren't as they seem and those on the Left need to be reminded of some inconvenient historical facts.

President Reagan hands his wife, First Lady Nancy Reagan, the pen he used to sign a $1.7 billion anti-drug bill at the White House. Looking on from the far left is Representative Charles B. Rangel.

'On tapes secretly recorded by former president Richard Nixon, Congressman Charles Rangel can be heard in closed door meeting encouraging Nixon to be more aggressive on the ‘War on Drugs.’ ‘Public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive,’ the Harlem Democrat can be heard saying in words that Nixon would later mimic. Rangel opposed drug legalization and embraced police militarization. He stood proudly by Nancy as President Ronald Reagan signed another drug-war law.'

'The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 contained an expansion of the federal death penalty to include drug offenses, the 'Three Strikes, You're Out' rule, and billions in funding for police, prisons, and states that made it harder for people to get parole (though Mr. Clinton neglected to mention this when he mentioned that most prisoners are incarcerated by the state).

But if Bill and Hillary Clinton were the pot, black politicians, activists, and pastors were the kettle. Their support of punitive measures actually paved the way for Clinton. It began with the man Ebony Magazine called the 'front-line general in the war on drugs.' ...

In addition to the dozens of pastors who signed a letter in support of the bill, it also had the support of black mayors. Kurt Schmoke, the first elected black mayor of Baltimore, was a vigorous supporter.

Even then U.S. Representative Kweisi Mfume, then chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) who understood the bill was a means to 'find better ways to incarcerate people' eventually buckled, not only supporting the bill, but was ultimately responsible for its passage by rallying a majority of CBC members to vote for it after the bill was nearly derailed on a procedural issue.

The Clintons quite likely were motivated by political expediency -- appealing to white voters with 'tough on crime' measures; however, it is clear black leaders were simply desperate to rid communities of the gang violence terrorizing their communities. The crime wave was real with rapes, assaults, and murders at never before seen levels, especially in inner-cities.

'This idea — that strict drug laws have done more harm than good in black America — is common these days. But early on, many African-American leaders championed those same tough-on-crime policies.

The Rev. George McMurray was lead pastor at the Mother A.M.E. Zion Church in Harlem in the 1970s, when the city faced a major heroin epidemic. He called for drug dealers to spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

‘When you send a few men to prison for life, someone's going to pass the word down, 'It's not too good over here.' ... Instead of [robbing] and selling dope, 'I want to go to school and live a good life.'‘

Black support for the drug war didn't just grow in New York alone. At the federal level, members of the newly formed Congressional Black Caucus met with President Richard Nixon, urging him to ramp up the drug war as quickly as possible.

Michael Javen Fortner, a political scientist and historian at Rutgers University, says that ‘the silent black majority of Harlem and New York City felt constantly accosted by drug addicts, by pushers, by crime.’'

‘African-Americans are portrayed as passive victims to this, as the prison boom just washed over their communities, as if they were just completely victimized,’ said Vanessa Barker, author of The Politics of Imprisonment. ‘I find that stance dehumanizing, I also find that stance empirically, historically inaccurate.’

Barker and others argue that in the 1960s, residents of black neighborhoods felt constantly under threat from addicts and others associated with the drug trade, and their calls for increased safety measures resonated at community meetings, in the pages of black newspapers like The Amsterdam News, and in churches.’

Has Charlie Rangel ever apologized to the Black Community? The Congressional Black Caucus? Leaders of the Black Community? No. If they are not silent, they are blaming ‘racist White America’ and ‘institutional racism’.

And, as you can see, Congressman Rangel has been hard at work trying to ‘right’ his ‘wrongs’…

Consider one of the big talking points of politicians and others who claim that the harsher penalties for people selling crack cocaine than for people selling powder cocaine show racism, since crack cocaine is more likely to be used by blacks.

The cold fact, however, is that black political and community leaders, back in the 1980s, spearheaded the drive for more severe legal penalties against those who sold crack cocaine. Black congressman Charlie Rangel of Harlem was just one of those black leaders who urged these more severe penalties. So did the New York Times, the promoter of many crusades on the left.

Fast forward to the present, when both black leaders and the New York Times are blaming white racism for the more severe penalties for selling crack cocaine. If you want to see what they were saying back in the 1980s, check pages 154-159 of The War on Cops.

When the political winds change, politicians change. But that does not change the facts about what they said and did before.

- Dr Thomas Sowell

Related Reading: The Inconvenient Truth About Race And Crime

Obama Ignores Police Request to Illuminate White House In Blue To Honor Slain Dallas Cops…

h/t WeaselZippers

Coiffeurgate: Because He's Worth It...Or Something.

When you are a balding Socialist French President - 'un véritable homme du peuple' - it's perfectly normal et acceptable to employ an official, male hairdresser, simply known as 'Oliver B.' (I'm sure he's just fabuleux!') - and pay him the 'proletarian' salary of nearly €9,895 euros ($10,900) a month.

Bien sûr, but the average, monthly wage in France is €2,180 ($2,421).

Isn't Socialism great? After all, how else could Fidel Castro amass an estimated fortune of $900 million in 2006 dollars and María Gabriela Chávez, the daughter of the late Hugo Chávez, become the wealthiest person ($4.2 billion of assets in bank accounts in the United States and Andorra) in Venezuela, a country where dumpster-diving has become the national past-time and the Socialist Princess continues to live in Palacio de Miraflores, the 'presidential palace'?

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Inconvenient Truth About Race And Crime

mica johnson black power


Since Barack Obama became POTUS, 3,464 people have been murdered in Chicago. 82% of the victims were black and 91% of the perpetrators were also black.


Number of times Barack Obama has spoken about the Chicago murder epidemic & gang violence: 9


Number of times Barack Obama has spoken about Newtown: 49


Per the the Justice Department's National Gang Intelligence Center and the National Drug Intelligence Center via ABC News, gangs commit 80% of all crimes in America.


Per the National Gang Center, 82% of gang members are black or Hispanic.


Per law enforcement agencies and the National Gang Center: Law enforcement agencies report a great percentage per capita of Hispanic/Latino and African-American black gang members compared with other race / ethnicities.


The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes. 


There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.


In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder.


In 2013, a black was 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.


In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.


In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.


If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.


In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.


In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.


In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.


Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.


Per the FBI, blacks commit murder at 6 times the rate of whites.


In 2015, 987 people died in police-related shootings. Majority weren't 'unarmed'. 50% were white. 26% were black.


In 2014, 6,095 blacks were murdered – more than all white & Hispanic homicide victims combined. Blacks make up only 13% of US population.


91% of those 6,095 African-Americans murdered in 2014 were killed by other African-Americans.


Per the FBI, from 2009-2012, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men on average annually.


Per the FBI & CDC, 112 black men on avg were killed in justified & unjustified police shootings annually.


Between 2009 and 2012, police-involved shootings accounted for 2.5% of the 4,472 annual murders of blacks.


For every black man - justifiably or unjustifiably - killed by police, 40 black men are murdered by other black men.


Per the FBI, 4,906 black people were murdered by other black people in 2010 and 2011.


Per The Tuskegee Institute, 3,446 black people were lynched between 1882 and 1968.


Black people killed 1,460 more black people in 2010 and 2011 than all blacks lynched between 1882 and 1968.


In 2012...White males comprised 38% of population & committed 4,582 murders. Black males were 6.6% of population & committed 5,531 murders.


Per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of all homicides despite being only 13% of population.


Per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks were charged with 62% of robberies, 57% of murders, and 45% of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the United States, despite only comprising approximately 15% of the population in those areas.


In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.


In 1993, the last full year of the Assault Weapons Ban, 390 people were murdered with rifles, including 'assault weapons'.


In 2014, with no Assault Weapons Ban, 248 people were murdered with rifles, including 'assault weapons'.


Per the FBI, in 2014, 5,562 homicides were committed with handguns; 1,567 with knives or other cutting instruments; 660 with hands, feet, fists, etc; 435 with blunt instruments; 262 with shotguns; and, 248 with rifles of which a subset is ‘assault weapons’.


Per The National Criminal Justice Reference Service, 'according to the latest available data, those who use guns in violent crimes rarely purchase them directly from licensed dealers; most guns used in crime have been stolen or transferred between individuals after the original purchase.'


Per the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 93% of ALL firearms used in criminal acts are OBTAINED ILLEGALLY, i.e., obtained through theft or purchased on the street. 


Per the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 7% of guns used in the commission of criminal acts have been subjected to background checks.


Per the Survey of State Prison Inmatesfewer than 2% of the guns inmates used in the commission of their crimes were obtained from a flea market or gun show. 


Per the Survey of State Prison Inmates12% of the guns inmates used in the commission of their crimes were obtained from a retail store or pawnshop. 


Per the Survey of State Prison Inmates80% of the guns inmates used in the commission of their crimes were obtained from a street buy, an illegal source, friends or family, according to the Survey of State Prison Inmates. 


Per the Congressional Research Service, 72.5% of ALL gun-related homicides in 2011 were committed with handguns.



Per the FBI, police officers are 18.5 times more likely to be murdered by a black male than a black male is to be killed (first-degree murder, second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter and legally-justified use of force) by a police officer.


Per the FBI, 40% of cop killers are black men, who make up 6.6% of the American population.


Per the FBI, DOJ, CDC data, black & Hispanic police officers are 3.3 times more likely to shoot suspects than white cops.


Per the FBI, it would take police officers 23.6 years to kill as many black people as black people killed other black people in the year 2012 alone. Of the 2,648 black victims of homicide in 2012, 2,412 were killed by other blacks. In the same year, 112 black men were killed by police officers, justifiably and unjustifiably.


12% of white victims of homicide die as a result of the police. 12% of Hispanic victims of homicide die as a result of the police. Only 4% of black victims of homicide die at the hands of police officers. Clearly, if the police are 'hunting down' Americans, it's primary prey aren't black people. If there is any hunting going on, the 'Cecil the Lions' of these big-game killing cops are white people or Latinos.

I am far from indifferent to the plight of African-Americans. The point is that white people aren't always to blame nor are they the only people that need to change.

PS: If you believe that racism is the reason behind racial disparities in sentencing (like crack v powder cocaine) and that drug laws are entirely based upon white supremacy, then please read how the Left, Democrats, the Congressional Black Caucus, black community activists and even the New York Times demanded the 'War on Drugs' (a failed war, upon which I have previously written in a piece at PHUP entitled, 'This War On Drugs Is Lost'), longer prison terms, disparities in sentencing, more prison cells, more proactive policing, and more cops in my post, Liberals' Major Role In The Drug War, Sentencing Disparities, Black Incarceration, And The Impetus For It All.