So, this morning on his radio show, Glenn Beck decided to jump on the #LetsGetSeanSpicer! bandwagon. Now, I don't have a problem with criticising the PressSec for making an obviously ignorant remark. I did it myself last night. I do, however, take issue with Beck's use of the Progressive, Soros-backed, Democratic front group, The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, which uses the death of a Jewish girl in the Holocaust to raise money and spread leftist propaganda. The next time that he wants to talk about women's rights in Saudi Arabia, he might as well interview that well-known paragon of feminism, Linda Sarsour.
Observations from Arnold Steinberg:
For leftists born into a Jewish family, anti-Semitism is not about people who hate Jews. It’s about people that the Jewish leftists hate, notably President Trump and, guilt by association, his advisers.
Rabbi Marvin Heir of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles prayed at the Trump swearing-in. A few days ago a reporter asked Heir about President Trump’s “failure to condemn anti-Semitism.” Rabbi Heir replied that the president would pick the time and place. And so it was yesterday, at the end of a tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, that President Trump said the venue showed “why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms.”
About reports of increased anti-Semitism, he said, “The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil.”
After reporting this, CNN interviewed one Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect. My question to him: Do you think Anne Frank was murdered because of a lack of “mutual respect”?
Asked on CNN if he was satisfied with Trump’s condemnation of anti-Semitism, Goldstein said absolutely not. To prove his good faith, Goldstein emphasized, Trump must fire Steve Bannon, supposedly (and with no evidence) an anti-Semite. Trump used to complain that in repudiating hatred and prejudice, he could never satisfy his critics. And Goldstein proved Trump correct.
So who is Steven Goldstein? Like Boris Epshteyn, Goldstein lived in New Jersey; both started in politics with former Sen. Frank Lautenberg. That’s where the resemblance ends. Goldstein epitomizes the Dark State of philanthropy, using tax-free dollars for political polemics. Goldstein’s Anne Frank Center “is a progressive voice for social justice, fighting hatred of refugees and immigrants, anti-Semitism, sexism, racism, Islam phobia, homophobia, transphobia…” Did Goldstein leave anything out? Is the legacy of Anne Frank now reduced to this potpourri of political correctness
Steven Goldstein reminds me of a variation of a current cartoon. A man says, “Women and gays should have no rights. Jews are pigs.” Goldstein, gay and Jewish, would likely reply, “You must be one of those alt-right creeps behind Donald Trump!” The man might respond, “No, actually these are my religious beliefs. I’m a devout Muslim.” And Goldstein, who presumes to judge Trump and demands that Bannon be fired, would likely respond, “I apologize. I hope you don’t think I’m Islamophobic!”
Brief aside, 'Steven Goldstein, who is best known for having an hysterical breakdown back in February on CNN where he accused Donald Trump of being a virulent anti-Semite who helped contribute to a series of bomb threats called into Jewish centers across America and the globe.'
'After it turned out a Jewish Israeli-American teenager was behind the threats, Goldstein doubled down, saying his "religion" doesn't matter and there's still an "epidemic" of antisemitism in America.'
'Goldstein uses the Holocaust and the story of Anne Frank to argue for all Democratic policies, especially open borders and the bringing in of unlimited refugees. This is his organization's current banner on Twitter:'
The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect has next to nothing to do with anti-semitism and almost everything to do with social justice, intersectionality, agitating for Muslims, and a hatred of Israel, with which it curiously has no problem, especially when would-be murderers of other young, Jewish girls like Anne Frank express true, vile and pervasive anti-Semitism on campuses across the country and far beyond.
* Transcript below
Anne Frank would be rolling over in her grave...if the Nazis had possessed the slightest shred of humanity and given her one. And, Glenn Beck is in desperate need of a chalkboard instruction on the pernicious Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect and its agenda.
Aaaand, I am sure that The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect and everyone else calling for Sean Spicer to be fired will soon turn their attention to this guy...
Yeah, that'll happen. /

Palestinian Authority
'The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!'
- Article 7 of the Hamas Charter
Arafat's Special Police Forces give Nazi salute, 9 May 2006

Hamas, which is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood

Here is the transcript of the exchange (video above) between
former Communist, David Horowitz, and a UC San Diego student named Jumanah Imad
Albahri, who was once an officer of the Muslim Students Association. Take not, Albahri
came wearing a red Muslim head covering and a Kaffiya, the scarf Arafat used as a symbol of the terrorist war
against Israel.
Jumanah Imad Albahri: Good evening. I just wanted to say thank you for coming to
campus tonight and presenting your point of view. It’s always valuable to
have two sets of views going on at the same time. Very useful. My name is
Jumanah Imad Albahri and I am a student here at UCSD. I was reading your
literature. I found that much more interesting than the talk. And I found some
interesting things about the MSA, which is an organization that is very active
on campus and it is hosting our annual “Hitler Youth Week.” You should
come out to those events. If you could clarify the connection between the
MSA and Jihad terrorist networks, because last I checked, we had to do our own
fundraising and we never get help from anyone. So if you could clarify
the connection between UCSD’s MSA, or if you don’t have such information, if
you could connect other MSAs on UC, because the connection wasn’t too clear in
the pamphlet.
David Horowitz: Will you condemn Hamas here and now?
Jumanah Imad Albahri: I’m sorry, what?
Horowitz: Will you condemn
Albahri: Would I condemn Hamas?
Horowitz: As a terrorist –
genocidal — organization?
Albahri: Are you asking me to
put myself on a cross?
Horowitz: So you won’t. I
actually have had this experience many times. You didn’t read the
pamphlet (The
Muslim Student Association and the Jihad Network), because the
pamphlet gives chapter and verse on the connection. The main connection
is that the MSA is part of the Muslim Brotherhood network as revealed in the
documents produced by the FBI in the Holy Land Foundation trial.
Albahri: I don’t think you
understood what I meant by that. I meant, if I say something, I’m sure
that I will be arrested for reasons of Homeland Security. So if you could
please just answer my question.
Horowitz: If you condemn Hamas,
Homeland Security will arrest you?
Albahri: If I support Hamas —
because your question forces me to condemn Hamas — if I support Hamas, I look
really bad.
Horowitz: Well, if you don’t
condemn Hamas, obviously you support it. Case closed. I had this same
experience at UC Santa Barbara where there were 50 members of the Muslim
Students Association sitting right in the rows there. And throughout my hour
talk, I kept asking them, will you condemn Hezbollah and Hamas. And none
of them would. And then, when the question period came, the President of
the Muslim Students Association was the first person to ask questions. And I
said, before you start, will you condemn Hezbollah? And he said, well,
that question is too complicated for a yes/no answer. So I said, okay,
I’ll put it to you this way. I am a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he
hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn’t have to hunt us down
globally. For
it or against it?
Albahri: FOR IT.
Horowitz: Thank you. Thank you
for coming and showing everybody what’s really going on here.
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