Via DailyMail:
The owner of a chain of gyms has spoken out against Ivanka Trump, after the first daughter used an alias to sign up for one of her classes.
In a recent Facebook post, Solidcore gym founder Anne Mahlum wrote that she recently found out Trump took one of her $37 classes.
After learning that, she says she reached out to Trump’s camp – apparently to lobby her. Keep reading…
I dislike the use of 'protected classes' in the law (we're supposed to be EQUAL under the law), but if these fools keep it up, 'ideology' & 'political affiliation' will end up being added to the list.
'You're a survivor of the Holocaust?
Tough. You still have to serve those Neo-Nazis.'
That's what will happen if the Left keeps this shit up.
Seriously, why should only race, religion, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, etc, get 'protected class' status, but establishments can deny service to nice people with whom they have political or ideological disagreements?
Don't get me wrong. Nazis are despicable and Ivanka is definitely not even remotely close to being one. But, why should one establishment be forced to bake a cake, but another can refuse service because the customer is a Republican?
Because, under CURRENT law, one class is protected and the other is not. But, that could always change. Sexual orientation wasn't a 'protected class' a decade ago...so, don't be so sure that the list of what constitutes a protected class is written in stone. It's written in law...and can be changed by lawmakers.
If this continues, I could see a national Unruh Act, which would not be a good thing. Businesses should have the same freedom of association as the rest of us, but a backlash is a'coming...and the slippery slope that will ensue will result in black businesses having to cater KKK parties, white establishments being forced to due business with the New Black Panthers, etc.
If you want to see what that trainwreck looks like:
Please don't ever say that I didn't warn you. Virtue-signalling and politicising the shit out of absolutely everything can have consequences...some of which you clearly haven't even begun to fathom.
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