And you can kiss my ass...
Sadly, neither is going to happen in this outrageously outraged outrage culture and a tribalistic society that has developed a taste for blood and an expectation that a fresh and exiting ritual bloodletting is just a screaming 'BREAKING NEWS!!!' alert away.
Once upon a time, the subversive actions of The Deep State would cause the Left to lose its last marble. I'm old enough to remember the outrageously outrage expressed by the Left when the IC's dirty deeds done dirt cheap with billions and billions of American taxpayers' dollars were exposed by the likes of Daniel Ellsberg, The New York Times, Julian Assange, Bradsea Manning, and Edward Snowden, but you only have to look at the 'R' after the sitting President's name to understand why all you hear is crickets...even though this case involves one of the very few known denials of a FBI-requested warrant to listen to the conversations of an American citizens by the Star Chamber known as the FISA Court, whose track record on rubber stamping warrant requests would approach the percentage of votes Kim Jong-un would receive...if 'elections' were held in that Workers' Paradise known as The Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In other words, the FISA Court almost never denies a request.
In a world free of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the Left would be just as appalled by this as they were by the POSSIBILITY that the PATRIOT Act might - might - allow the Federal government to spy on library records.
Of course, these are the same mental midgets that are outrageously outraged by the Supreme Court's decision in Citizen's United...where the Obama government argued that, under the law at the time, it would have the authority to ban books and other materials, if it saw fit. But, but, but, Trump's a Nazi or something.
Anyhoo, since the Logan Act is destined to be all the rage for the next few days, let's take a stroll down Flashback Lane. Shall we?

And, there are plenty more examples from whence those came...