Monday, December 12, 2016

The Left Has Jumped The Hammer And Sickle

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The Hill is aghast that Trump has dismissed the 'Russia Card'!

So, the perjurious John Brennan and his Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency claim that ‘The Russians’ not only hacked into the communications system of the DNC, John Podesta’s *GMAIL* account (At least Hillary had the sense to do her dirty work on her illegal, unauthorized and unsecured server that posed no danger whatsoever ‘because it was guarded by Secret Service agents on the premise’, as she infamously claimed. Her homebrew server was a national security nightmare, but probably a bit harder to locate than, say, ‘JOHNPODESTA@GMAIL.COM’!), and who knows what else, they did it for the express purpose of helping elect Donald Trump.
Additionally, we are asked to believe by some that ‘The Russians’ hacked into state voting machines and tabulators, which were not even connected to the internet, along with somehow waving a волшебной палочкой over paper ballots, used exclusively in states like Michigan, to change Shattered Glass Ceiling votes into Orange Pussy Grabber ones.
We are told that ‘The Russians’ gave Julian Assange the hacked emails so that he could get back at the former Secretary of State, who ‘went after’ the hacktivist and WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of State Department cables and led to him seeking refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.
We are being demanded to believe by the CIA that ‘The Russians’ are 100% behind the ‘hacked’ emails even though Assange and the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, both know who is behind the leaks and it isn’t ‘The Russians’. As Murray, who was appointed by Jack Straw during the Blair government and has since rejoined the LibDems, told The Guardian yesterday:
Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who is a close associate of Assange, called the CIA claims “bullshit”, adding: “They are absolutely making it up.” 
“I know who leaked them,” Murray said. “I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things. 
“If what the CIA are saying is true, and the CIA’s statement refers to people who are known to be linked to the Russian state, they would have arrested someone if it was someone inside the United States. 
“America has not been shy about arresting whistleblowers and it’s not been shy about extraditing hackers. They plainly have no knowledge whatsoever.”

Murray went into further detail on his website:

I have watched incredulous as the CIA’s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story – blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it. There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton’s corruption. Yes this rubbish has been the lead today in The Washington Post in the US and The Guardian here, and was the lead item on the BBC main news. I suspect it is leading the American broadcasts also. 
A little simple logic demolishes the CIA’s claims. The CIA claim they “know the individuals” involved. Yet under Obama the USA has been absolutely ruthless in its persecution of whistleblowers, and its pursuit of foreign hackers through extradition. We are supposed to believe that in the most vital instance imaginable, an attempt by a foreign power to destabilise a US election, even though the CIA knows who the individuals are, nobody is going to be arrested or extradited, or (if in Russia) made subject to yet more banking and other restrictions against Russian individuals? Plainly it stinks. The anonymous source claims of “We know who it was, it was the Russians” are beneath contempt. 
As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened. 
The continued ability of the mainstream media to claim the leaks lost Clinton the election because of “Russia”, while still never acknowledging the truths the leaks reveal, is Kafkaesque.

We are being asked to believe the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency that has been involved in:
- The overthrow of governments.
- The spying on governments, public figures, and private individuals.
- The assassinations of foreign operatives and, perhaps, Americans on American soil.
- The trafficking of weapons to dictators and insurgents…and, sometimes, both at the same time.
- The covert MKNAOMI-MKULTRA projects involving LSD/electric shock therapy/torture on its own personnel (such as Dr Frank Olson who conveniently just accidentally fell out of his hotel window in New York 9 days after being given a massive - and secret – dose of LSD); untold numbers of children being forcibly subjected to EST and experimental psychotropic drugs at institutions such as Bellevue, Vermont State Hospital; thousands of mental patients at places such as the New York State Psychiatric Institute, the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University, and others being given several injections of LSD daily until they died or were basically brain dead; covert drug experiments on prostitutes, petty criminals, runaways, and transients from San Francisco to New York to countries far and wide; and real torture and human experimentation on inmates in dozens of American prisons; and even on addicted veterans at places like the Addiction Research Center of the US Public Health Service Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky.
To name just a few of the hideous, horrendous, and highly unethical, if not outright illegal, things in which the Central 'Intelligence' Agency has engaged.
We are being asked to believe the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency, whose former director, William Colby (who also met a mysterious demise), said that the Moscow correspondent from The New York Times had better contacts in the Kremlin and much more relevant and reliable intel than all of the Agency’s people in the Soviet Union combined.
We are being asked to believe the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency, who has engaged in its own dezinformatsiya at home and abroad.
We are being asked to believe the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency and the MSM, who have collaborated for decades. See Carl Bernstein’s The CIA And The Media: How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up for an extensive report of the collaboration from the Agency’s creation to the 1970s. This collusion hasn’t stopped either.
We are being asked to believe the Federal government, the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency and the MSM, who swore to us that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, especially nuclear weapons.
We are being asked to believe the Federal government, the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency and the MSM, who said that we had to intervene in Libya because we had a ‘responsibility to protect’ tens of thousands of ‘innocents’ in Benghazi, who were about to be immediately slaughtered by Qaddafi.
We are being asked to believe the Federal government, the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency and the MSM, who told us that Assad was a ‘reformer’ then a tyrant who had better not cross Obama’s red-line who has to leave but now can stay.
We are being asked to believe the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency, who first learned that the Berlin Wall was falling from watching CNN.
We are being asked to believe that Trump is Putin’s Puppet and Her Royal Thighness wuz robbed by the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency, whose Director committed perjury before Congress, claims jihad is just a ‘personal spiritual journey and holy struggle’, and forcefully opined that the *MUSLIM* Brotherhood is ‘a largely SECULAR and PEACEFUL organisation’.
I’m sorry, but the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency is going to have to produce hard, third-party verified evidence before I believe any of its claims and conspiracy theories.
Before the election, the President, the Democrats, and the ‘Intelligence’ Community said it was nigh impossible for the election to be hacked or rigged. The President and his Administration repeated this after the election. But, since Jill Stein’s Recount to Nowhere has gone, well, nowhere, the Left, including the former card-carrying member of the CPUSA, CIA Director John Brennan, has jumped the hammer and sickle.
In fact, at this point in time, I am more inclined to believe that the CIA, J Edgar Hoover, LBJ, da Booooooshes, Texas oilmen, the Mafia, Fascists, Birchers, NWOers, Tri-Lateralists, CFRers, chemtrail pilots, vaccine scientists, secret water fluorinators, black helicopter pilots, false-flag planners, MK-ULTRA practitioners, paid propagandists, Richard Nixon, Elvis (He was later 'deputised' by President Richard Nixon, so there), the ghosts of Brutus, John Wilkes Booth and Gavrilo Princip, MI6 agents, Q, DGSE infiltrators, Neo-Cons, the Mossad, Israel-Firsters, Bilderbergers, Abbot & Costello, The Three Stooges, and a drag queen by the name of ‘Lypsynka,’ who was the love child of three parents: Moammar Qaddafi, Joycelyn Wilderstein, and Michael Jackson all conspired to assassinate President John F Kennedy in Dallas than I am to believe any unsubstantiated hot air emanating from the pie-holes in the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency and those for whom it is engaging in red-baiting.
I may not be old enough to personally remember, but I am educated enough to recall how ‘red-baiting’ was amongst the most incendiary, un-American, damn near treasonous behaviours in which one could engage. Of course, that was the case when real life Soviet agents like Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, Rex Tugwell, Lauchlin Currie and others on the Left were being accused and/or convicted (most of those accused, but never tried or convicted, were later revealed to be guilty of that which they were accused by the Venona Papers and the Mitrokhin Archive). Now, the Left is soooo desperate they have nothing left but red-baiting. 

How ironic.

Oh, and it's pretty rich of the Democrats complaining about 'possible' Russian interference in an American presidential election when one of their icons, Senator Ted Kennedy a/k/a 'The Lion of the Senate', LITERALLY asked the Soviets to intervene in the 1984 American presidential election!

According to Soviet documents unearthed in the early 1990’s, Kennedy literally asked the Soviets, avowed enemies of the U.S., to intervene on behalf of the Democratic party in the 1984 elections. Kennedy’s communist communique was so secret that it was not discovered until 1991, eight years after Kennedy had initiated his Soviet gambit:
Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

“On 9-10 May of this year,” the May 14 memorandum explained, “Sen. Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow.” (Tunney was Kennedy’s law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) “The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.”
Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. “The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,” the memorandum stated. “These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign.”
Kennedy made Andropov a couple of specific offers.
First he offered to visit Moscow. “The main purpose of the meeting, according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA.” Kennedy would help the Soviets deal with Reagan by telling them how to brush up their propaganda.
Then he offered to make it possible for Andropov to sit down for a few interviews on American television. “A direct appeal … to the American people will, without a doubt, attract a great deal of attention and interest in the country. … If the proposal is recognized as worthy, then Kennedy and his friends will bring about suitable steps to have representatives of the largest television companies in the USA contact Y.V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interviews. … The senator underlined the importance that this initiative should be seen as coming from the American side.”
Kennedy would make certain the networks gave Andropov air time–and that they rigged the arrangement to look like honest journalism.

You can read the full KGB memo detailing Kennedy’s secret letter and request for electoral intervention here.

Go fuck yourselves, Dems. You lost. Get over it.

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