Friday, July 8, 2016

Lesson #257098 in 'Collective Guilt Double Standards'

Go fuck yourselves, already!

SSS will have to do until Google figures out where they disappeared PHUP for no known reason...

 1.    Nineteen jihadists attack us on 9/11. Our government & the Left ask: 'Why do they hate us?'    
2.           All white people, including the Irish & Italians, are responsible for
        giving Native Americans deadly diseases.

3.             All Americans must return 'occupied' TX, NM, AZ & CA to Mexico...even though we paid them $15M or $450M in 2016 dollars.

4.             All Israelis & Jews are Nazis if they respond to Palestinian attacks.

5.             IslamoNazis aren’t at all like Nazis if they want to wipe Big Satan and Little Satan off the map.

6.             Germans bear full responsibility for Hitler. Are Russians and Chinese responsible for Stalin and Mao? Not.

7.             Islam is the religion of peace & Muslims aren't responsible for the actions of a 'few'.

8.             White Supremacist, Dylan Roof, murders 9 black Christians in a historic church and ALL white people are to blame.

9.             White hater murders black Christians: The symbolic Confederate flag must be relegated to the dustbin of history.

10.         ‘Black Power' assassinates 5 cops & injures 7 more.  White supremacy and racism deemed responsible.

11.      Black hater murders blue lives: Black Power salute, Black Separatists flags, Black Liberation Theology, Calypso Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party, Black Lies Matter, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rachel Donezal, Shaun King, Deray McKesson, etc, remain…out, loud, proud, and celebrated by the Democrats, the MSM, and Leftists everywhere.

12.         Muslim terrorist murders 49 gay Latinos & injures 53 more; therefore, ALL White people, Christians, Conservatives, Libertarians, and gun-owners are solely responsible.

13.         Ali Muhammad Brown executes 2 gay men in Seattle. No MSM coverage. Meanwhile, the manufactured hagiography of Matthew Shepard's murder not only goes on and on and on, it now nearly rivals Islam. Even pointing out an absolute truth about either is blasphemy.

14.         Since Barack Obama, Chiraq has had 3,459 murders. 82% of the victims were black. All of the white people in Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin are to blame or something. /

15.         Number of times Barack Obama has spoken of the Chiraq murder epidemic and gang violence: 9

16.         Number of times Barack Obama has spoken of Sandy Hook: 49

17.         Black man kills a black man in Chiraq: It's Whitey and his gun culture at fault.

18.         White man kills Benetton kids in upscale Sandy Hook Elementary School: Crush dem Crackas!

19.         Evidently, to Democrats and the Left, black lives matter only when they are killed by white/white Hispanic police officers.

20.         Did the names of Cameron Tillman and Dillon Taylor ever pass the lips of Barack Obama & Co? Did either ever receive wall-to-wall national coverage by the media? Of course not! Both were killed by black police officers.

21.         The Federal government fails to prevent San Bernardino & Orlando, when it had the tools and information to do so; thus, law-abiding Americans must give up their constitutional rights and civil liberties, ‘natch.

22. 'We must do something about guns!'
      1. Total homicides: 11,961
      2. By firearms: 8,124
      3. Handguns: 5,562
      4. Rifles (inc dem skeery-looking ‘Assault Weapons’): 248

23.       Hmmmm...So, Barack Obama & the Democrats want to ban most popular rifle in the United States, which is involved in fewer than 0.03 homicides, while handguns are used in 69% of all gun-related homicides. Cultural bigotry, anyone?

24.       As Barack Obama would say if he went full Bulworth, removing the right of 'certain people' from owning the AR-15 'is just the right thing to do. It’s who we are!’

25.     Of course, doing so wouldn't have even a negligible effect on the gun violence, especially in inner-cities. The reason is stunningly simple: Most gun crimes committed with handguns.

26.      The data overwhelmingly demonstrates that young males kill other young males WITH HANDGUNS.

27.       Don't believe me? Check Instagram. How many AR-15s do you see sticking out of some dude's waistband?

28.       Furthermore, 94% of ALL guns used in crime are illegally- obtained: Stolen or StreetHeat.

29.       Wait, wut? You mean criminals don't obey the thousands of gun laws that we have on the books now? Who knew?

30.       Course, you can write as many laws as you want, but as Uncle Joe Biden sez:

  31.      You are the exact same people, who want a national Gun-Free Zone, but you can't even keep drugs, terrorists and illegals out of the country.
2.              32.        Open Borders = More Guns
 33.    Most gun crime is committed by males between the ages of 16 and 27. If you want to reduce that, read some Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who not only was prescient, but even after decades of your attempts to discredit, he has laid bare the failure of the Leftist welfare and social model.
 34.    It takes a family to raise a child. It takes government to raise debt, poverty, ignorance, crime, etc.


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